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Semarang city and attractions

7:14 AM Posted by Hafidz

Semarang city as a tourist destination has a tourism mainstay among others:


Is a historic monument, located in the middle of the city. This monument was built to remember the heroes who have fallen in the Day Five Activists in Semarang on 14 - 19 October 1945 against the Japanese Army, which in many of the youths who killed a lot of Semarang. This monument is made on foot-shaped candle-feet there is some relief that the suffering of the people at that time. Monument inaugurated this tanggan on 20 May 1953 by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno

Simpang Lima, in the 1 km radius of the tour is easy to reach from the city, this place is located in the city center at junction Jl. Heroes, Jl. Pandanaran, Jl. Gajahmada, Jl. KH.Achmad and Dahlan Jl. A. Yani.

Taman Budaya Raden Saleh (TBRS)

A garden tour in the center of the city, precisely on Jalan Sriwijaya No. 29 Semarang with area 89,926 m2. In addition to strategically located at the position, this garden has contours of land and the old and shady trees which when styled and professionally managed will be one of the recreational facilities of eligible selling and attract potential tourists.

Management TBRS to this concept has not seemed to clear, or at least not yet left the architecture that has traction. Infrastructure and content of the garden is not in addition terawat, also not have the characteristics that can describe an area eligible to enjoy the tour.

Therefore, in order to garden can have the added value (added value) and the sale value, then the regulation need to be re TBRS areas with the concept of clear and integrated in accordance with the existing land contours.

Parks Lele

Lele parks have wide ± 22,173 m2 is an asset owned by City of Semarang, located approximately 7.5 km from the city center, located at the road (Mangkang) of the city Jakarta. In addition to strategically located at the position, this garden has contours of land and trees which when styled with the plan will be one of the recreational facilities and the sale of eligible ber attract potential tourists.

Until now tourism in Lele Park management still do not have a clear concept. This is at least visible on the land Scape is not left out by the architecture that has traction. Infrastructure and content of this garden is less than terawat also less focused, this situation resulted in Lele Park does not have characteristics that can describe a tour of the area and enjoyed reasonable views.

Goa tourism nature Kreo

Nature tourism in Goa Kreo located Dukuh Talun Beans, Kelurahan Kandri District Gunungpati + Tugumuda from 13 km to the south, in the hill slopes with a height of 350 above the surface of the sea water.

Irrigated Landscape in the Cave Kreo this there is a vast carpet of rice field, cliff-edge of trees and rivers are so clear berbatu a beautiful panorama.

To reach the cave mouth, this must be the child down the stairs quite a lot. According to legend Kreo Goa is petilasan Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga. When looking for wood to build a mosque Jati Demak, he come around in this cave.

Monkey-monkey at the time told him (Sunan Kalijaga) assisted four monkeys are reputedly the embryo of a monkey-monkey living in a cave Kreo, now amounted to about 300 head.

Goa is also around this triangle there are clumps of bamboo that grow from trusted former skewer presented at the Sunan Kalijaga selamatan. Bamboo leaf this smelly goat meat.

In addition to rare plants bamboo triangle around the cave Kreo also grow a variety of rare plants, among others: tree-toxic, sesambi / kucacil, lanji / wilikukur, or kepoh Jangkang, iwil-iwil and kemloko.

The North Goa Kreo there is a waterfall coming from the various sources of water that is clear and does not recognize drought. To reach the waterfall should be through the steep stairs.

Besides the beautiful scenery has Kreo Goa also has other means such as a playground equipped with a few children toys such as swing, surfboard etc..

Mrs Meneer Museum

This museum was established on 18 January 1984 a good collection of herbal medicine on culture. Located on Jl. Kaligawe - Semarang

Museum record

Museum store / collect Rekord Notes and extraordinary achievements of the people of Indonesia. Located on Jl. Setiabudi No.179 Semarang

Marina Beach

Located in the North of Semarang, close to the Pekan Raya Area Promotion and Development (PRPP) and Central Java Maerokoco Puri (Miniatur Park Central Java). On the beach there are Swimming Pool, Sky and Water Speed Boot and beautiful beach atmosphere.

Puri Maerokoco

Puri is a miniature of Central Java which is located in Mas Semarang Tawang road, near the PRPP.

Agro Sodong

Agro Sodong located in Kelurahan Kecamatan Purwosari Mijen on this concept as originally intended langkap antisipatif trend towards the needs of tourists to return to natural conditions (back to nature).

Locations include agro and low hills with an altitude of 220 - 300 m / dpl, while the condition of land ¾ rough relief and slope 15 - 16%, ¾ Latosol brown and some dark chocolate and Mediterranean.

Old City

Based on its history, the city of Semarang has an area that is at about 18 centuries the center of trade. Area in the area now called Old City.

At that time, to secure the citizens and territory, the area was built fortress, the fortress was named VIJHOEK.Untuk speed interconnection lines between the third gate dibenteng that made the streets of transportation, with a main street named: HEEREN STRAAT. Currently called Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto.Salah one door locations have fortress which until this time is to bridge Berok, called DE ZUIDER Por.

Path through the water transportation is very important it is proved that the river that beset this area which is from the sea up to the local Sebandaran, dikawasan Chinatown. It was then Dutch East Indies had occupied the second rank as a producer of sugar all over the world. At that time, there are the forced cultivation (Cultur system) throughout the Dutch East Indies area.

Semarang Old City area is also called OUTSTADT. Area is approximately 31 Ha. View from the condition of geography, that appears to separate this area with the surrounding area, such as the city seem so lonely, so get the nickname "LITTLE Netherland."

Semarang Old City area is a silent witness history Indonesia the Dutch colonial period more than 2 centuries, and its location in close proximity to the area economy. This place is about 50 ancient buildings that still stand strong and have a history of colonialism in Semarang.

Semarang Old City is a historic region with many ancient buildings that are considered potentially to be developed in economic and cultural conservation area.

Animal Parks in Wonosari

Animal Parks in Wonosari Zoos Semarang is the removal of the zoo Tinjomoyo. Located in a very strategic location because it is near the main road Semarang - Jakarta. It's only 15 km from Semarang, and very easy to achieve with the various types of vehicles both private vehicles and transportation umum.Disamping collection of various animals, animal park is also equipped with water attractions. Construction continues to complete the facilities for kanyamanan and satisfaction of visitors.
Polder Tawang

According to its function Polder Tawang is a system to protect water from outside the area limpahan dam controls the water in front of Old City. Polder component system consists of: dyke, sluice, channel, collectors, water pump and Retention pond.

Parks Recreation Wonderia

Arena playing children like boom-boom car, Jet Coaster, rainbow, ghost house, mini train, plane, Taman Ria luncur.Selain that "Wonderia" also features a stage show attraction to music is also used to place the music festival. Location is easy to reach because the city is to be located on Jl. Sriwijaya, with a vast parking lot

Public Semawis

Stand is a variety of food vendors, known most comfortable in Semarang. Stand is held in the open space along the road with the order table and table-tents to the middle. Public Semawis is a ideal place for families to relax while enjoying food tebaran under the stars and moonlight. There are various menu pela food such as rice, noodle jowo, a variety of oriental cuisine typical Public Gang, Ice complacent, Soto, various squash, sate, fried chicken etc.. The people who come to choose the food and will be transported to the table with the price. Location in the Public Road Gang, Kelurahan Kranggan, Semarang Central. Opened every Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting 17:00 hrs - 23.00 WIB.

Ngaliyan Tirta Indah

Ngaliyan Tirta Indah is a swimming pool which is on the road Raya Ngaliyan District Ngaliyan. Built in 1991, the swimming pool area has an area of 2 ha. In addition to the swimming pool facility is also equipped with various types of garden plants and flowers, gymnasium and cafeteria.

Building Stone

This pagoda was built by a messenger from China named Sam Poo Tay Điên in lawatannya to Semarang, as one of the sojourn of a series of visit to Asian countries. Pagoda that provides inspiration for the development of the various legends about the city of Semarang Simongan this particular area has the form of a very beautiful building. With a mix of Chinese jewelry combined with a highly condensed form of a similar Joglo roof, this building is an interesting place to visit.

Youth Gelanggang Manunggal Jati

Building was built to accommodate the various activities undertaken by organizations that have youth in the city of Semarang as well as the Secretariat of each organization. Gelanggang features

Parks Tabanas Gombel

Park which is located on this famous climb Gombel with Tabanas garden in front yard. As the hills, this area is more cool down from Semarang, and from here we can enjoy the city down. About this in many hotels and restaurants stand.


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